Tuesday, August 29, 2006

stop stealing my cake!

My coughing fits were so inccessant last night that I was half expecting to wake up and find my lung besides me on the pillow. Luckily I managed to drop off, oblivious to the fact that I was still coughing, and with great enough volume to wake The George.

I came home today and discovered that George has eaten all the muffins and all the cakes that we had (this is why I tell him working from home is a bad thing and will make him fat). It really annoyed me because I had strategically placed the muffins and the cakes inside a jacobs cracker tin in an effort to disquise the delicious contents, George must have smelt them out of hiding. I'm also a little peeved because I had divided the number of muffins and cakes into equal daily snackages for work, and I had even tessalated the muffins and cakes to create a pattern so that it was too pretty to eat (I'm very anal like that). But what was the point? George scoffed the lot, I bet he didn't even notice that I had placed an even number of muffins followed by an odd number of cakes and so on and so forth......I'm pretty sure he won't have appreciated my evening out of cakes that were slightly more chunky than others in order to produce an even layer of goodies.......... I just don't know why I bother! Next time I buy cakes I plan to mould them into poo-like shapes, leave them in the garden and see if they disappear next time george works from home!

I am not the only one with a cake theft problem; Ellie was very upset to find her chocolate muffin missing yesterday. The culprit: Ben. What infuriates Ellie most is that I offered a chocolate muffin to both Ellie and Ben, Ben refused and Ellie accepted. Then, in the sneakiest of fashions Ben swipes the Ellie Muffin from under her nose and ruins her entire Bank Holiday Monday. Ben, you have been warned, anymore cake or muffin-related crimes shall incur a seriously painful method of punishment. It is sooooo painful that it is indescribable through words so I'm not going to describe it. But it's bad, very bad.

Right, I'm off to chiropract my own back (if that is possible) as it is killing me, then Coronation Street is on the cards before a late night trip to Tesco's (We are lacking cakes, grrrr)

If I start using the word 'smeg' or the term 'smegging' a lot, apologies, George is currently watching season one of Red Dwarf.


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