Monday, August 21, 2006

first day wahooo!

I am totally pooped, tired enough to pass as a Narcoleptic no doubt (I always thought Narcolepsy was the coolest thing to suffer from). Today was my first day at my new job and was really good. Everyone is superduper nice. I'm going to attempt to convince people that I'm normal but over time they will discover what a big freak I am....nevermind.

A cool job would be the one Tom Hanks had in the amazing epic 'Big', playing with cool toys etc. But alas, I have no huge piano. and unlike Hanks, I really am grown up unfortunatley-no returning to a child's body for me, unless I want to end up in jail.

Okay I'm going to drink Blueberry tea in bed and watch telly, this first day lark is tough stuff, really wears you out all that unneccessary stress!

And my ankles have not yet recovered, I would take a photograph but I can't bear to look at the scabbiness, and they must be bad because I'm usually very eager to photograph wounds, especially my own. Okay I'm gunna try a photo......

My god, have you ever attempted to take a photograph of your ankles before? It's near impossible, which of course meant that I couldn't rest until I had found a way, I knew I should have taken up pilates. Looking at that photo, I have no idea how I took it, it looks as if I somehow doubled over backwards like a contortionist and snapped away at my legs on the way down, but I would have remembered doing that surely? That's really creeped me out now. I also think that perhaps this is a case of back-to-front stigmata, I have the wounds of Jesus on the cross but I accidentally got nailed from the back? No, it was my shoes, my stupid stupid shoes that looked good but went and did this to me! Now see Jade, this is why I live in sandals! I am cursed when it comes to wearing anything with even a smidgens of a heel. Grrrrr!

Off to bed now, time to tuck myself in with a bit of savlon I'm thinking!


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