Monday, September 24, 2007

With age comes irresponsibility.....

It seems the older I get the more stupid I become. I got my priorities a bit mixed up this month when it came to budgeting and I literally have 12p to my name this week which surprisingly I find quite amusing. I spent a grand total of 88p at tesco, beating my record of £1.37 (for food)and strangely I felt an ere of satisfaction and achievement through the experience. The feeling soon wore off when I discovered I was back on a staple diet of pasta and...pasta, oh well I will be fully carbohydrated won't I? Every cloud and all that. Indeed I am a plonker but I had a nice holiday this month. I am beginning to question what is actually important, generally like in life and stuff; I think whilst I'm young and healthy (touch wood-for being healthy, not suddenly growing old rapidly), and whilst I am totally unattached to anything or anybody, I should do what I want (within reason). There is nothing worse than regretting having not done stuff, and I already got used to regretting stuff I have I can't afford to do anything majorly stupid so I think I'm safely restricted in a financial sense. Is it wrong that I don't plan any further than a month ahead? What's that saying, that quote about wasting time whilst you plan or something?

I will hopefully have a ton of time to be responsible when I'm older and my brain has matured beyond that of an 18 year olds. My mum still tells me she has never felt a day over 18, then gets a horrific shock when she looks in the mirror every morning....mind you my mum isn't the most conventional of mums...perhaps it's her fault I'm all backwards and screwed up? Yeh, I will blame it on her, that's the immature thing to do, yep it's everybody else's fault! ha!

Remembered the quote, Lennon: "Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans." I think I agree with that. Yep, I do. You can't plan spontaneity, and that's a good thing. God I babble a lot. Gona shut up now.

P.S. I woke up this morning to what sounded like a tornado. There is something very precarious about sleeping underneath a window with great big fecking fat rain drops pouring down onto it like a watery avalanche.

Saturday, September 22, 2007


I want to go on holiday for forever.
I have a headache from eating too much cheese.
My calf muscles hurt.
I found 2 fly carcases in my left eye after running today.
I am still undecided about my flat.
I am becoming scarily apathetic about EVERYTHING.
Must motivate myself but I am lacking in caffeine, I've got sodding decaf in an effort to be healthy, damn me.
Must buy canvasses, staring at a blank canvas shall perhaps irritate me into being arty, though the concept of a blank canvas is strangely appealing.

Peace out. I'm off.