Sunday, July 22, 2007

Decisions decisions.....If only I were not so bloody indecisive.

Word of the week: Poppycock (senseless talk or writing)

Synonyms: Balderdash, piffle, twaddle, drivel, rubbish

Oooo, I found it scarily difficult to choose just one of those words they are all fantastic! But Poppycock is in a league of it's own, employed primarily by elderly women when discussing matters they deem incomprehensible such as men ironing their own clothes, Crotched doilies becoming obsolete or the world not being flat.

I am quite proud of myself this weekend as I have kind of boycotted television. In three days I haven't turned it on, ok except for last night-I watched Insomnia but surely Al Pachino is a valid enough excuse? I've discovered that I often put it on simply out of habit and the majority of the time I have no desire to watch what is on it. There are a few shows that I will purposefully tune into but besides that I've become pretty apathetic about telly in general. In previous years I have been an avid Big Brother fan but currently I just don't care....and more worrying is the amount of news I've begun to I growing up? I don't feel mature in the slightest, perhaps I'm a medium mature cheddar if I were to be using cheese compares. I always thought I was a peppery boursin or a big chunk of danish blue (the jazziest of the cheeses, the Gershwin of the cheese world if you may), but no, I'm a boring cuboid of yellow genericness. However, you can melt cheddar in a fondue and produce the most fabulously cheesy feast ever, try heating boursin or danish blue and you have an inedible sticky residue good for nothing! If I had some chickens I would count them.

Here is a picture of an aged piece of cheddar. So it seems I have jaundice and varocus veins to look forwards to!

Anyway, cheeses aside, I need to make some decisions.....I am avoiding it can you tell? RIGHT, OFF TO DECIDE STUFF!

P.S. The Noisettes are my new favourite band, They rock yer socks right off. I have become obsessed with Shingai, lovin' her hair, her makeup, her outfits, her voice, she is the bees knees.

Ellie, I would love to go see Kate Nash, cannot get ticket till friday when me gets paid, can also pay you back from the other week! It will be weird as The Carling Academy Oxford, I will forvever remember it as the Zodiac I think!


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