Saturday, September 09, 2006


Apologies for neglecting my blog, I have been very busy and I am cheese crackered. I got in about half three this morning and for some uncanny reason got up at 9am with no problem. Why do I keep doing this? I reckon I'm still not adjusted to this whole having a weekend lark.

I am currently in good old Wolvo, caught up with loads of people last night which was excellent! I got to see meg and her motley crew (rach, maz, Kate, Ria, Jenna, Rodger, Ed etc.) Saw Liz and Sarah and mostly chatted about Jenny Rubine related memories, and I had a good chat with Greg who I hadn't seen in soooo long! Oh and I mustn't forget the delectable Mr. Matthew Wynters (aka Bushfire) who felt it necessary to remind me how much he used to fancy my mother........which I took as a complement, hey I share some of her genes (No..... actually I meant I share some of her jeans).

Anyway, so far my weekend has been good and after talking to so many old school Wolverhamptoners I'm all chatted out. George is spending his weekend back in Oxford-and I am predicting that he shall be in bed for the majority of it, perhaps with a variety of unhealthy snacks and alcoholic beverages awaiting consumption. So George, if you happen to get your lazy ass out of bed, make sure there are no crumbs please! And can you pump up my tyres, they are still looking pretty deflated. (Totally pointless requests, george never reads this)

I have finally met Ricky (my mum's other half) Only a brief encounter as they both sped off to Manchester for the weekend, going to the Match today. He asked if I liked mum's new car and so I had to do the Karis Car Approval test: This involves me assessing the colour, and whether or not the car has a happy face. It passed on both counts but it does have one of those smug grins as oppose to a generally happy one. Ricky looked a little confused and my mum said "See I told you she was weird" Charming, if my own mother considers me a weirdo what hope have I got fooling Ricky into thinking that I'm sane?

My mum having a new car (by' new' I mean 'new' to her, in fact it is old but in a funky retro way), means that I can buy her old one off her which is cool. I love the little red Micra.

My nan is in Llandudno (I have told her to investigate an Alice shop there to see if it's as good as the Oxford one) and so the house is pretty empty bar me and Wally. But company shall be arriving in the form of Martin and Michael this evening, we are having a BBQ and I'm going to attempt not to drink as much as I did last night and force my brothers mates to watch Willow, the best film ever.

For now I am going to try and sort out my mum's computer, it is dying and full of rubbishy virusy things, I do hope I an make it better not worse. I am using it at the moment and the keyboard is sooooo frustrating, most of the keys don't work very well so I have to practically punch each letter with incredible and potentially damaging (to me not the keyboard) force! Aghhhhh. I have to keep revising entire sentences because they are missing very vital letters such as vowels and R's, of all the letters why must the R be the one to go on strike?

And so I am going to perhaps raid the cupboards for....well lets see, soup or tuna is on the menu, maybe I could concoct a potent fish/soup combo? Or live off cereal until Martin starts up the BBQ, cereal is the more appealing option here me thinks.

Cheerio, will try and update this thing whenever possible, and preferbly using a more finger friendly keyboard.

P.S. Congratulations to Jade, she has passed her first three airoplaney doodar exams, and even got 94% in one, the little swat!

P.P.S. I should be in London next Saturday to help flat hunt with Jade so anyone (not literally anyone, people in the general London Vecinity that I know) up for meeting and having a drink let me know and we can arrange stuff!


Blogger sarasizzle said...

Oh Karis, I only just saw this post. Are you still going to be around on Saturday in London?

Would be great to see you.


1:13 pm  
Blogger kaz said...

Unfortunately there is a change of plan, jade doesn't finish work till 5pm so I'm not coming down but once I get paid at the end of the month I will definately come down (it is an excuse to nosey round jade's house and yours if you let me!) So promise I will visit soon! I saw amanda on saturday night-she is very loud, I am partly deaf in one ear! Hope your move went smoothly, and if you want george to sort BT out he can shout at them down the phone (apparently they are always buggering stuff up at his work and he despises them)

8:27 pm  

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