Thursday, September 14, 2006

stuff again

Before I forget, Ian, Happy Birthday for Monday! I hope you ate cake and became fat and sassy! And you still haven't told me your new address.

I know, I abandoned my poor blog again, I threw it into the reject bin as if it were sadsack (of raggydoll fame). My plans have all gone pear shaped. I am not in london on saturday which is pants.....but I am paid soon so next month I shall definately show my face (so sara, make yourself available, and happy new house!) Jade is working all weekend so alas there is little point me meeting up with her until she has some time off! Instead I am trying to find her somewhere to live via the internet. Jade, check your emails, I've sent you a lot of properties to mooch at!!!

Been as I just didn't blog this week I shall present a brief summary, oh and explain the title of the post:

last saturday:Did not attend BBQ, went to pub and drank far too many bottles of Magners, watched some live acoustic music, got drunk enough to end up in blastoff.

sunday: recovered, caught train, mostly listened to ipod and yawned a lot.

monday-tuesday: a little bit of a blur, I know I went to work but cannot recall anything particularly exciting.....except that I am going to see Paddy Mcguinness next month with some people at work. That will be a laugh I hope.

Wednesday: Went to work. Went home and watched THUMB WARS

Thursday: Uneventful to such an extent I remember nothing

Now: Just got back from a scary night jog with Ellie (ok we power walked) She has just informed me of the Killers gig the week after my B-DAY at the civic so I shall be mostly buying tickets tomorrow morning. I really want to go see The Young Knives next month at the Oxford Zodiac, if anyone out there likes them (george is apathetic, can I help it if he has rubbish music taste?) please come with me, (except Ben, boohoo you must revise), the tickets are cheap!.

P.S Ellie, you prepare the chocolate digestives, I shall try and get my hands on some chocolate or cake, or chocolate cake for tomorrow evening, no boys, hooray!


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