Saturday, February 03, 2007

saturdays child is full of cold, and revels hopefully.

Back home at last, I have had a headache for two days now, and my head feels all full of cold, I think I have a head cold.

I went to the bank today and was told the waiting time to speak to an advisor was three hours so I asked the guy so many questions that he got flustered and went and got me a form to fill in so that I would leave him alone, I filled in the form and wrote strict instructions on it then handed it back to him which took considerably less time that three hours. I don't usually like being so assertive but THREE HOURS on a saturday, craziness!

I'm in a slightly more positive mood this evening though going to see 'Bobby' at the cinema was perhaps not the cheeriest of choices. It was really good actually and we were surprised at the lack of hype but it does tend to highlight the fact that America is still suffering from the same problems than it was in 1968 so probably considered a bit anti-war/pro-democratic and all that. Go Hillary Clinton. Bobby was only shown once today at one cinema in Oxford, how ridiculous is that? And what's more, you have to risk getting your car burned out by going to the VUE cinema in Blackbird Leys.

Anyway, it was good but the cinema fell silent at the end of the film, everybody had fallen into a state of utter depression I think (and all were probably preparing themselves for the worst when they reached their inevitably stolen/burned/graffited cars). The experience was tainted a little by me forgetting to get my revels out of Ben's car boot, revels make everything better. I saw Venus last week, brilliant, Peter O'toole and Leslie Philips are great! Go and see it, you will feel a little uncomfortable at times and and feel compelled to hate the main characters but you don't, you love them for all their traits.

I've emerged triumphant from my suicidal coma and I shall now be positive thinking karis with a life full of doing free things that I shall make exciting somehow. Wise words from sarasizzle have both comforted and disturbed me into action.

OOOO, in my gloominess I forgot to mention some exciting news yesterday: my favourite book ever 'running with scissors' by Augusten Burroughs is soon to be released in the form of a film at the cinema, wahoooooo, starring Joseph Fiennes, Gwen Paltrow, Brian Cox, Annette Benning, Alec Baldwin........
I hope it lives up to my expectations as I have very vivid visions of each and every character. I'm going to attempt to download a version because I'm impatient.

And devour my revels.........

p.s. Thankyou Ellie and Ben for driving me to sainsburys and the cinema, ellie I owe you ticket money! OOOO and I can't wait till you move, just think in a few weeks you will be back here in Cowley you lucky things!!! Have fun skiing tomorrow.


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