Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Before I zonk.....

Well I am well and truly cream crackered so I shall keep this brief. By Friday I will have done another ten working days in a row-I'm in desperate need of a day off! I don't mind people being ill, hey we all get ill don't we and it's pretty pants when you are ill. But at this rate, all this extra work I'm doing is going to make me ill which isn't fair! Bring on the new job I say, relieve me from this vigorous post. I shall cover the sick no more, let them attend work in a duvet with a hanky and a lemsip.

George is downstairs watching Inner Space, you know that film where Dennis Quaid is shrunk to the size of a cell intended for injection into a rabbit but all goes hilariously wrong and instead he gets injected into the butt of that little dude from The Three Amigos! This really should have been just up my street, or rectum or whatever but I couldn't relax and enjoy it. Why does Meg Ryan have to go and ruin everything all the time?

So I have decided to write this and in a minute I must compose a forceful email to our letting agents asking for a new toilet seat and to come fix our oven. I must admit I was thoroughly amused to see george pull out a baking tray of fully defrosted but not at all cooked oven chips after 20 minutes and look questionably at me! As if I had turned the oven off or something. But no, I had not, the oven had died of natural causes.

Will be more awake for a blurb tomorrow perhaps. I'm going to go zonk out.

Oh yeh, and I discovered through Yuki
(paddington shop) today that Luke's (oxford shop) father has a false leg. Yuki had a shock because his old leg was at the bottom of a pile of rubbish in the boot of her car, ready to be thrown away at the dump. Funny that I was harking on about prosthetic limbs recently..... (by old leg I'm referring to his old prosthetic, not his actual leg, he didn't get it severed off by the car boot shutting.)

Zonk, that's it I'm out.


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